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Sleeping Anemon

60 x 40 cm
Mixed media on canvas, 60*40, 2019

Colorful Night Reflections Varanasi Ghats

60 x 119 cm
Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 30" inches

Overview to Identity Fields

60 x 50 cm
Acrylic on paper, 60*50, 2018

Generation Z

60 x 40 cm
Mixed media on canvas, 60*40, 2018

Neptune’s Treasures

60 x 80 cm
Mixed media on canvas, 80*60, 2018


60 x 60 cm
Mixed media on canvas, 60*60, 2017


60 x 60 cm
Oil on canvas, 60*60, 2017


60 x 60 cm
Oil on canvas, 60*60, 2017

Varanasi Ghats – Night

60 x 78 cm
Acrylic on canvas, 60*78, 2016

Garden of Eden

60 x 90 cm
Oil on canvas, 61*91, 2015


60 x 25 cm

z Bright Gipsy Life (triptych)

60 x 150 cm
Acrylic on canvas, 60*150 cm, 2015