Sumanta Dey

Sumanta Dey was an Indian artist. Annual exhibition of Govt. College of Art & Craft was In (2010-2011), (2011-2012), (2012-2013). Annual exhibition of West Bengal Information Centre (2010-2011), Annual exhibition of Oriental Society of art & culture in (2010-2011),(2011-2012) Camlin Art exhibition (2011-2012),(2013-2014), (2014-2015) Southcentral Zone cultural centre Nagpur (2012-2013),(2014-2015) Kolkata Reflection of Another Day (2012-2013) Lalit Kala Akademi (National Akademi of Art) (2014,2015) 19th Dadun art exhibition of Taichung city (2014) 20th Dadun art exhibition of Taichung city (2015) IWS, International watercolour exhibition Mexico-city (2015) Annual exhibition of Birla Art and Culture (2014-2015, 2015-2016) Annual exhibition of west Bengal Information centre (2015) Emami Chisel Art, annual exhibition (2014) Agora Chelsia International Contemporary Art Exhibition, U.S.A (2015) International Watercolor Biennial Belgrade, Serbia (2016) International Watercolor Biennial Canada  (2015) Belgium Watercolor Biennial  (2016) International Watercolor Biennial Barcelona, Spain  (2015) International Watercolor Biennial, Taiwan (2016) Tianjin International Art exhibition- Beijing  (2008) Novajagora Art exhibition Italy  (2007) GROUP EXHIBITION: “Chatuskon” presents Prayash in the Academy of Fine Arts  (2013) “Space” a circle of contemporary art (2013) “EELA”, a group of artists at Ajanta Art Gallery (2013) “Expression”- a group exhibition in the Academy of Fine Arts (2008,2009,2010) Chaturanga presents a group exhibition in LalitkalaAcademi New Delhi (2014) “Chaturanga”, a group exhibition of painting & sculpture at AIFACS ART GALLERY New Delhi (2014) AWARDS: Indian Council for Child Welfare (2006-2007) Balshree award (2007-2008) J.K Mukherjee award (2011-2012) President of the society Award, Oriental (2010-2011) Governor Award- (2012-2013) Tianjin International Award (2006-2007) Department of Posts (2008) Chemould School of Art (2011) Award of merit from a 20th  Dadun art exhibition of  Taichung city (2015) Honourable mention in- IWS Belgium (2016) Honourable mention in IWS Mexico Award of merit in IWS Taiwan SCHOLARSHIP: Sunil Das scholarship (2012-2013) SaibalGhosh Memorial Scholarship (2012-2013) SaibalGhosh Memorial Scholarship (2013-2014)   ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustration published in the college magazine of J.D Birla Institute (2012-2013). Illustration published in Femina  magazine Kolkata WORKSHOPS: A workshop on “Stained Glass and Molded Glasswork” In Govt. College of Art & Craft (2013-2014). A workshop on Creative painting in Govt. College of Art & Craft Calcutta, by Mr Hans Der pa. A painting workshop, organised by “Department of  Information and Cultural Affairs Government of West Bengal (2011) Painting Workshop by Environmental Campaign (2006-07) Environmental Campaign (2003-2004) COLLECTIONS: “Kolkata” collection by “Andrew Thial ” Bern, Switzerland Top view of my area, watercolour on paper-collection in  National Watercolour Museum Mexico (2015) Afternoon-watercolour on paper- Collection by Dr Era Bannerjee (2015) Morning- Watercolour on paper- in ARNDT gallery in Singapore. A view from the Lindsey Tower- watercolour on a paper-in gallery

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56 x 77 cm
Watercolor on paper, 56*77, 2016


64 x 26 cm
Watercolor on paper, 64*26, 2017

Benaras Castle

39 x 28 cm
Watercolor on paper, 39*28, 2017

Benaras Castle

28 x 39 cm
Watercolor on paper, 28*39, 2017

Benares Ghat

21 x 39 cm
Watercolor on paper, 21*39, 2017

Chunar Fort

21 x 31 cm
Watercolor on paper, 21*31, 2017


58 x 77 cm
Watercolor on paper, 56*77, 2016


56 x 77 cm
Watercolor on paper, 56*77, 2016


56 x 77 cm
Watercolor on paper, 56*77, 2016


153 x 92 cm
Watercolor on paper, 153*92, 2017

View from Lindsey Tower

92 x 153 cm
Watercolor on paper, 92*153, 2016


77 x 112 cm
Watercolor on paper, 77*112, 2017