Victoria Bordier

Each author of art is inimitable and unique. Standing in front of the easel and mixing all his thoughts, sensations and visions, the artist turns into a wizard once using pigments and paint, according to his secret recipe. He can create harmony and feelings on a virgin canvas starting from the void. People often ask me how I find the subjects for my painting and what techniques I use? I use oil paint and pigments, brushes, or spatula (knives). Finding the subjects and the technical way to realize my paintings or installations is sometimes the work of several years... And sometimes, it is perfectly spontaneous. I try to work on new surfaces or dimensions to bring my ideas with my sensations in beauty and harmony. Were the subjects chosen? They are nature, characters, architecture, etc., with a touch of sensitivity and mystery... Or even a projection through the symbolic. But I never say no to abstract art! The range of styles used ranges from realism to Impressionism plus. Everything is better to talk about surrealism. I like to paint in the wheat fields with poppies, in the Champagne vineyard where I live, and sometimes in the big cities. Also, I enjoy working with models based on my sketches and photos. It makes me happy to make my admirers travel through my art. On the other hand, I draw a dream that can come true!

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Showing 1–12 of 13 results

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ENOUGH ! (1) – Tattoo


ENOUGH ! (4) – Sneakers


ENOUGH ! (5) – Cocktails


Fields of Poppies in French Champagne

54 x 73 cm
Oil on canvas, 54*73, 2015

Golden Fish

25 x 30 cm
Oil on canvas, 25*30, 2015

Irises and Dragonfly in Champagne

60 x 50 cm
Oil on canvas, 60*50, 2010

Peonies and Dragonfly

60 x 50 cm
Oil on canvas, 60*50, 2010

Roses and Butterfly

60 x 50 cm
Oil on canvas, 60*50, 2010.

Roses and Cherries

61 x 46 cm
Oil on canvas, 61*46, 2010